Finding the right e-commerce platform for your B2B company can feel a little daunting. It’s an important decision that will help your business remain competitive, ensure your customers’ needs are met, and streamline your internal operations. We’re here to simplify the decision-making process, offering insights into two key architectural approaches. Whether you’re drawn to the flexibility of Composable Commerce or the streamlined simplicity of Monolithic Commerce, we’ve got you covered. We’ll break down the complexities, exploring the pros, cons, and everything in between, to help you make the best decision for your business.

Composable microservices commerce architecture

Composable Commerce

Composable Commerce refers to an approach to building and managing e-commerce systems that emphasizes flexibility, modularity, and the ability to compose or assemble different components to create a customized and tailored solution. It involves breaking down the various elements of an e-commerce system into independent, interchangeable parts that can be combined and recombined to meet specific business needs.

In a Composable Commerce architecture, the traditional monolithic e-commerce platforms are replaced with a set of modular, API-driven services that handle specific functionalities. These services or microservices can include catalog management, order processing, payment processing, customer management, and more. Each service operates independently, communicating with others through well-defined APIs (Application Programming Interfaces).

Some examples of composable commerce platforms: Commerce Tools, Elastic Path, Big Commerce, Fabric, Kibo Commerce, Ultra Commerce.

Key characteristics of Composable Commerce


Components or services are developed and deployed independently, allowing for easier updates and changes without affecting the entire system.

API-First Approach

APIs serve as the foundation for communication between different components. This allows for interoperability and the creation of a unified, seamless customer experience.


Businesses can choose the best-of-breed solutions for each specific function, allowing for flexibility in adapting to changing business requirements or integrating with existing systems.


As each component operates independently, it becomes easier to scale individual services based on demand, optimizing resource usage and improving overall system performance.

Composable Commerce in B2B:

In the context of a Business-to-Business (B2B) company, Composable Commerce becomes especially relevant due to the complex and diverse requirements of B2B transactions. B2B transactions often involve intricate processes, bulk orders, custom pricing, and personalized catalogs. Composable Commerce allows B2B companies to tailor their e-commerce systems to meet these unique needs.


B2B businesses often require highly customized solutions to support complex pricing structures, negotiated contracts, and unique product configurations. With Composable Commerce, businesses can select and integrate components that cater specifically to these requirements.

Integration with ERP Systems

B2B transactions are often closely tied to Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems. Composable Commerce allows for seamless integration with various backend systems, ensuring smooth communication between the e-commerce platform and other business processes.

Scalable Order Management

B2B transactions may involve large and complex orders. Composable Commerce enables businesses to scale their order management systems independently, ensuring efficient processing and fulfillment of orders, even during peak periods.

Personalized Experiences

B2B relationships are often built on personalization and tailored interactions. Composable Commerce enables businesses to integrate components that support personalized user experiences, including custom catalogs, pricing, easy reorders, additional payment options (like invoicing or apply to PO), and account management.

Composable or micro-services commerce architecture pros and cons

Advantages of Composable Commerce for B2B:

Flexibility and Modularity
Composable Commerce platforms are designed with a modular approach, allowing businesses to choose and integrate specific components that meet their unique needs. This flexibility supports customization and adaptability to changing business requirements.

Best-of-Breed Solutions
Businesses can select and integrate best-of-breed solutions for each specific function, rather than being constrained by an all-in-one platform. This allows for the use of specialized tools that excel in specific areas.

Composable architectures allow for independent scaling of different components based on demand. This ensures optimal resource utilization and the ability to scale specific functionalities without affecting the entire system.

Components in a Composable Commerce platform communicate through well-defined APIs, promoting interoperability. This enables seamless integration with existing systems, such as ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) or CRM (Customer Relationship Management).

Adaptability to Technology Changes
Composable platforms are well-suited for businesses that want to stay at the forefront of technological advancements. They can easily adopt new technologies or replace outdated components without overhauling the entire system.

Personalized Experiences
Composable Commerce allows businesses to create highly personalized experiences for B2B customers. This includes customized catalogs, pricing structures, and user interfaces tailored to the specific needs of individual clients.

Drawbacks of Composable Commerce for B2B:

Integration Complexity
Integrating and maintaining multiple components from different vendors may introduce complexities. Ensuring smooth communication between diverse services requires careful planning and management.

Higher Development and Integration Costs
The initial development and integration of a Composable Commerce platform may involve higher costs compared to a monolithic solution. Businesses must weigh these costs against the long-term benefits of flexibility and scalability.

Potential for Vendor Fragmentation
Adopting a Composable Commerce approach may lead to the use of multiple vendors for different services. This can result in vendor fragmentation and increased management overhead.

Learning Curve for Development Teams
Developing and maintaining a Composable Commerce platform requires a certain level of expertise in managing distributed systems and APIs. There may be a learning curve for development teams not familiar with this architecture.

Dependency on APIs
The reliance on APIs for communication between components means that the stability and performance of the system are dependent on the reliability of these interfaces. API changes or disruptions can impact the overall functionality.

Monolithic commerce architecture

Monolithic Commerce

Monolithic commerce refers to an e-commerce architecture where all the various components and functionalities of an online commerce system are tightly integrated into a single, unified application. In a monolithic commerce platform, elements such as product management, order processing, payment processing, and customer management are all part of a single codebase and infrastructure.

Key characteristics of Monolithic Platforms

Unified Codebase

All components of the e-commerce system, including the frontend, backend, and database, are part of a single, large codebase.

Tight Integration

Different functions, such as catalog management, checkout processes, and customer account management, are tightly integrated within the same application.

Centralized Database

Monolithic commerce platforms often use a centralized database that stores all relevant data, including product information, customer details, and order history.

Unified Deployment

Updates or changes to any part of the e-commerce system require deploying the entire monolith. This means that the entire application is typically taken down for updates.

Shared Technology Stack

A common technology stack is used throughout the entire application, providing a uniform environment for development and maintenance.

Some examples of Monolithic platforms: SAP commerce cloud, Adobe Commerce, Shopify, WooCommerce

Monolithic Commerce in B2B:

Unified Platform
In a monolithic commerce system, all the features and functionalities required for e-commerce operations are bundled together within a single platform. This includes tools for managing products, handling orders, processing payments, and managing customer relationships.

Simplified Development and Deployment
The development and deployment of a monolithic commerce platform are generally more straightforward compared to more distributed architectures. Since everything is part of the same codebase, developers can work within a unified environment.

Consistency Across Functions
Monolithic platforms often provide a high level of consistency across different functions. This can make it easier for businesses to maintain a standardized approach to various aspects of their e-commerce operations.

Lower Initial Complexity
Monolithic architectures can have lower initial complexity, making them a suitable choice for smaller B2B businesses with straightforward requirements. The simplicity can facilitate a quicker time-to-market for the e-commerce solution.

Integrated Data Management
In a monolithic system, data is typically managed centrally. This centralized approach can simplify tasks such as data retrieval, reporting, and analytics.

Easier Maintenance
Maintenance tasks, such as updates and bug fixes, are generally easier in a monolithic system because changes can be applied to the entire codebase. However, this advantage may diminish as the system grows in size and complexity.

Cost-Effective for Smaller Businesses
For smaller B2B businesses with limited resources and a relatively straightforward e-commerce model, a monolithic commerce platform can be a cost-effective solution. It may eliminate the need for complex integrations and specialized skills.

Less Dependency on External Services
Monolithic platforms often have fewer dependencies on external services, as most functionalities are bundled together. This can simplify the operational aspects of the e-commerce system.

Advantages of Monolithic B2B Commerce Platforms:

Simplicity and Cohesion
Monolithic platforms are often simpler to develop, deploy, and manage. All components are tightly integrated, making it easier to ensure consistency and cohesion.

Single Codebase
With a single codebase, developers may find it more straightforward to maintain and troubleshoot the entire system, as there are no complexities associated with managing distributed microservices.

Ease of Deployment
Deployment of updates or new features is typically simpler in a monolithic architecture since changes are made to a single codebase and deployed as a unified application.

Easier Testing
Testing can be more straightforward in a monolithic system, as all components are closely linked. Unit testing, integration testing, and end-to-end testing can be done within a unified environment.

Lower Latency
Communication between components in a monolithic architecture can be faster, resulting in lower latency compared to distributed systems where components may communicate over networks.

Drawbacks of Monolithic B2B Commerce Platforms:

Scalability Challenges
Scaling a monolithic application can be challenging, as the entire system needs to be replicated rather than scaling individual components independently. This can result in inefficient resource utilization.

Flexibility and Adaptability
Monolithic platforms may lack the flexibility needed to adapt to changing business requirements or integrate with new technologies. Upgrades to the entire system may be required for simple changes.

Vendor Lock-in
Businesses using monolithic platforms may face vendor lock-in, making it difficult to switch to different solutions or adopt best-of-breed technologies for specific functionalities.

Resource Utilization
Monolithic platforms may consume more resources than necessary, especially if certain components of the system experience higher demand than others. This can lead to inefficiencies.

Complexity with Large Codebases
As the codebase grows, managing and understanding the entire system can become complex. Changes in one part of the system may have unintended consequences in other areas.

Upgrading Challenges
Upgrading a monolithic system can be a complex and time-consuming process, which often requires a complete overhaul. This may result in longer downtimes and potential disruptions to business operations during updates.

Composable or monolithic Which approach is right for your B2B commerce?

Composable or Monolithic; which approach is right for your B2B Company?

Choosing between a monolithic approach and a Composable Commerce approach for your B2B company requires careful consideration of various factors. Here are some key considerations to help guide your decision:

Business Complexity

Monolithic: If your B2B operations are relatively straightforward, with standard processes and limited customization requirements, a monolithic platform may be sufficient.

Composable: If your B2B business involves complex workflows, varied pricing structures, and the need for customization to meet specific client requirements, a Composable Commerce platform could be more suitable.

Scalability Requirements

Monolithic: Consider whether your business anticipates rapid growth or changes in demand. Monolithic platforms may face challenges in scaling specific functionalities independently.

Composable: If scalability is a critical factor and you need the ability to scale individual components based on demand, a Composable Commerce approach may offer more flexibility.

Customization Needs

Monolithic: Assess the level of customization your B2B customers require. If you need highly tailored solutions, such as personalized catalogs, pricing, and workflows, a Composable Commerce approach might be more suitable.

Composable: If your B2B customers demand unique and customizable experiences, a Composable Commerce platform can provide the flexibility to integrate best-of-breed solutions for specific functionalities.

Integration with Existing Systems

Monolithic: Consider the compatibility of a monolithic platform with your existing systems, such as ERP or CRM. If seamless integration is crucial, a monolithic system may offer a more straightforward solution.

Composable: If you have diverse systems that need to communicate and share data, a Composable Commerce platform with well-defined APIs can facilitate easier integration.

Technology Stack Preferences

Monolithic: Assess your team’s expertise and preferences in working with monolithic or distributed architectures. If your team is more comfortable with a unified codebase, a monolithic platform may align better.

Composable: If your development team is skilled in managing distributed systems, APIs, and microservices, a Composable Commerce approach may align with your technological preferences.

Cost Considerations

Monolithic: Evaluate the initial and ongoing costs associated with implementing and maintaining a monolithic platform. Consider factors such as licensing fees, development costs, and potential vendor lock-in.

Composable: While Composable Commerce platforms can offer flexibility, assess the costs associated with development, integration, and managing multiple components. Consider the long-term benefits against the upfront costs.


Monolithic: Consider the future growth and evolution of your B2B business. If you anticipate frequent changes in business requirements or want to adopt emerging technologies, a Composable Commerce approach may be more future-proof.

Composable: If adaptability and the ability to quickly incorporate new technologies are critical for your business, a Composable Commerce platform may provide the agility you need.

Vendor Ecosystem

Monolithic: Assess the vendor ecosystem around monolithic platforms. If there are robust third-party integrations and a thriving community, it may ease development and support efforts.

Composable: Consider the ecosystem of providers and components available in a Composable Commerce approach. Ensure that there are reputable vendors and services to meet your specific needs.

Regulatory Compliance

Monolithic: In some industries with stringent regulatory requirements, a monolithic system might offer more straightforward compliance management.

Composable: If regulatory compliance is a concern, ensure that each component in a Composable Commerce platform adheres to relevant standards and regulations.

Support and Maintenance

Monolithic: Assess the level of support and maintenance required for a monolithic platform. Consider factors such as vendor support, updates, and ease of troubleshooting.

Composable: Evaluate the support and maintenance requirements for a Composable Commerce platform, considering the potential complexities of managing multiple components.

Monolithic commerce architecture VS composable commerce


While both Composable Commerce and Monolithic Commerce have their advantages and disadvantages, the choice between them depends on the specific needs and goals of a business. Composable Commerce is gaining popularity due to its emphasis on modularity, flexibility, and adaptability, particularly in industries with rapidly changing requirements and a need for personalized customer experiences. However, some businesses may still find value in the simplicity and integration of a monolithic approach, especially if their requirements are relatively stable and straightforward.

A trusted and experienced Systems Integration partner can help advise you on the best approach to take for your business.

As a specialized SI with a focus on B2B commerce, DigiCommerce can be your trusted partner in navigating the complexities of choosing and implementing the right commerce solution for your business. With our deep expertise in crafting tailored B2B e-commerce experiences, we understand the unique challenges and requirements of your business. Whether you are considering a Composable Commerce architecture for its flexibility and modularity, or a Monolithic Commerce approach for its streamlined development, we have the knowledge and experience to guide you through the decision-making process. Our commitment extends beyond consultancy—we excel in implementing and optimizing the chosen solution, ensuring a seamless integration with your existing systems.

Contact us and let’s build your ideal B2B commerce experience together, delivering efficiency, scalability, and innovation to drive your business forward.