When launching a new e-Commerce experience, speed to market and cost of ownership are two main criteria clients look at when selecting a platform and a technology partner.

Accelerators have been developed as a direct response to that need for speed and value. They are often developed, tested and refined over time by seasoned Systems Integration Firms and include pre-built components and integration frameworks, that greatly reduce time-to-market, mitigate implementation risks, and empower organizations to quickly innovate and adapt to market demands.

What does an composable commerce Accelerator include?

Training and Support: To ensure successful implementation and ongoing operation of the eCommerce platform, the accelerator would offer training programs, documentation, and access to technical support resources. This would empower internal development teams and end-users to effectively use the platform and address any challenges encountered during the deployment process.

Integration Framework: Given the emphasis on a composable architecture, the accelerator would provide an integration framework that simplifies the connection of the eCommerce platform with other systems and services. This might involve APIs, middleware, or connectors designed to facilitate seamless integration with third-party solutions such as payment gateways, shipping providers, and marketing automation tools.

Deployment Automation: To accelerate the deployment process, the accelerator could offer automated deployment scripts, configuration management tools, and cloud infrastructure templates. This would enable rapid provisioning of the eCommerce platform in various environments, including development, testing, staging, and production.

Best Practices and Guidelines: The accelerator would provide guidance, best practices, and architectural blueprints to help implementers effectively leverage the capabilities of the composable eCommerce platform. This might include recommendations for scalability, performance optimization, security measures, and compliance with industry standards and regulations.

Partner Ecosystem: The accelerator might also foster a partner ecosystem comprising technology vendors, solution providers, and system integrators who specialize in complementary products and services. This would enable customers to easily access a comprehensive ecosystem of tools and expertise to enhance their eCommerce initiatives.

Platform Customization: The accelerator would likely include tools, templates, and pre-built components that streamline the customization and configuration of the composable eCommerce platform. This could include ready-to-use modules for various eCommerce functionalities such as product catalog management, content management system (CMS), storefront orchestrator, and customer relationship management (CRM) integration.

Advantages of a composable commerce accelerator

Accelerated Time-to-Market

An accelerator is designed to streamline the implementation process, allowing you to launch your eCommerce platform more quickly compared to traditional deployment methods. This can be particularly beneficial if you’re operating in a competitive market or aiming to capitalize on a time-sensitive opportunity.

Reduced Implementation Risks

By leveraging the expertise and resources of the systems integrator, you can mitigate risks associated with platform customization, integration, and deployment. The accelerator has been developed and refined overtime, minimizing the likelihood of errors or delays during the implementation process.

Access to Specialized Knowledge and Skills

Systems integrators with an Accelerator often have a team of experienced professionals with specialized knowledge in eCommerce platforms, integration technologies, and industry-specific requirements. This expertise can be invaluable for overcoming technical challenges, optimizing platform performance, and maximizing the return on investment.

Comprehensive Support and Guidance

Accelerators typically include comprehensive support, training, and guidance throughout the implementation process and beyond. This ensures that your team has the necessary skills and resources to effectively manage and maintain the eCommerce platform over the long term, reducing reliance on external support providers.

Scalability and Flexibility

Composable Commerce Accelerators are designed to accommodate the evolving needs of your business, allowing you to scale your eCommerce operations and adapt to changing market conditions more easily. The composable nature of the platform enables you to integrate new functionalities, upgrade existing features, expand into new markets, and support growing transaction volumes without significant disruption or rework.

Choosing the right Accelerator for your e-Commerce project

SIs (System integrators) and Accelerators typically go hand in hand, and they often need an eCommerce engine to function.  Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you make an informed decision when selecting your SI, Accelerator, platform combination:

  1. Define Your Business Needs and Objectives:
    • Start by clearly defining your brand’s specific eCommerce requirements, objectives, and long-term goals. Consider factors such as target audience, market segment, product offerings, scalability needs, and desired customer experience.
  2. Research Composable Commerce Platforms:
    • Conduct thorough research to identify composable commerce platforms that align with your business needs and objectives. Evaluate factors such as platform features, flexibility, scalability, integration capabilities, vendor support, and pricing.
  3. Assess SI Expertise and Experience:
    • Evaluate the expertise and experience of SIs that offer composable commerce accelerators. Look for SIs with a proven track record of implementing composable commerce platforms and delivering successful outcomes for clients in your industry or vertical.
  4. Review Accelerator Program Offerings:
    • Assess the offerings of each SI’s composable commerce accelerator program. Look for programs that provide pre-built components, integration frameworks, customization tools, training, support, and access to a partner ecosystem.
  5. Check Client References and Case Studies:
    • Request client references and case studies from SIs to learn about their previous work with composable commerce platforms. Speak with references to understand their experiences, challenges, and successes working with the SI and the accelerator program.
  6. Evaluate Integration Capabilities:
    • Consider the SI’s integration capabilities and expertise in connecting composable commerce platforms with third-party systems and services. Assess their ability to seamlessly integrate payment gateways, shipping providers, ERP systems, CRM platforms, and other essential components.
  7. Assess Scalability and Flexibility:
    • Evaluate the scalability and flexibility of the composable commerce accelerator offered by each SI. Look for programs that allow for easy customization, addition, or replacement of platform components to accommodate your brand’s evolving needs and growth trajectory.
  8. Understand Pricing and ROI:
    • Understand the pricing structure of each SI’s composable commerce accelerator program, including upfront costs, ongoing fees, and potential return on investment (ROI). Consider the total cost of ownership and weigh it against the anticipated benefits and value provided by the accelerator program.
  9. Schedule Consultations and Demos:
    • Schedule consultations and demos with shortlisted SIs to further evaluate their offerings and capabilities. Use this opportunity to ask questions, clarify concerns, and assess the compatibility and fit between your brand’s needs and the SI’s offerings.
  10. Consider Cultural Fit and Relationship:
    • Lastly, consider the cultural fit and relationship dynamics between your brand and the SI. Choose a partner that shares your values, communicates effectively, and demonstrates a commitment to understanding and addressing your brand’s unique challenges and opportunities.

By following these steps and conducting thorough due diligence, you can select an SI with the right composable commerce Accelerator to help your brand achieve its eCommerce goals and drive business growth. DigiCommerce has built countless B2B and B2C commerce experiences over the years, and they all share a set of core requirements. Our B2B Accelerator has those essential features built and integrated with most major headless and composable eCommerce platforms. All that’s left to do is to connect all the elements that are unique to your business, configure everything to your brand’s needs and specs, and your custom B2B commerce experience is ready for launch! If you are interested in finding out more, contact us!