The online pharmacy revolution has long started. Everything digital is experiencing a boom and online pharmacies have not been left behind. However, innovation occurs faster in some countries than others. A variety of factors are responsible for this fact. Chief among them are often regulatory or even technological hurdles. Regardless, the companies breaking through continue to have an impact. Besides, pharmaceutical sales represent the second largest category of retail sales in the United States. In truth, the effects of the COVID pandemic in 2020 has stressed this trend further. According to Diigo, about two third of veterinary clinics are equipped with online pharmacies. Surprising just 16% of their customers know their vet actually has an online pharmacy.


To remedy ineffective marketing, managers need to be more creative with online strategies. On one hand, social media is the obvious first step that just about any company has access to. For instance, it is a great place to catch younger social media native customers. Having a “call to action” approach to label that redirects customers to the online store helps. Eg. Fill your next prescription at However, staff in the physical pharmacy need to reinforce the message. In addition, regular reminders via email or text redirect traffic online for delivery of needed drug refill. 


Canada has seen its share of progress in the online pharmacy revolution. Recently, BC native PocketPills, has expanded its online pharmacy offerings to Nova Scotia and the Atlantic Provinces. Customer prescription is delivered directly to the customer’s doorstep via the PocketPills app. This includes access to pharmacists through live chat, text or phone. This service is already available in six other Canadian provinces with Ontario, BC and Alberta being the major ones. 


Elsewhere in Canadian industry, big partnerships is the name of the game. The Health Depot Pharmacy and Lyte Medical recently announced an online pharmacy with similar objectives to PocketPills. As a result, home delivery of prescription medication for customers is available. The partnership is designed to provide a seamless virtual care experience for patients. In the US, New York based Capsule launched a same day delivery online pharmacy. This has expanded to Boston, Chicago,  Minnesota and St Paul. The company continues ramping up its expansion to meet up with demand. Above all, this kind of development will be a pattern that grows the industry in the future. In conclusion, online pharmacies would look very much different in the near future.