Search visibility is a key tool in the arsenal of eCommerce for numerous reasons vital to sales revenue. eCommerce stores are competing for online attention with many different kinds of other sites.  This has a lot of benefits for online brands particularly for marketing, and subsequent personalization of the website. Search visibility done well increases the overall customer journey and on site customer experience. It makes the eCommerce store more intelligent and can help build a loyal online customer base. This post will first hone in on keyword optimization.

Optimized pages – keywords

The key thing is to optimize pages on online stores as much as possible, particularly high impact pages. This includes pages focused on products, categories, blog posts and importantly the homepage. All eCommerce platforms enable optimization and most use SEO. Keywords are important in this process and properly analyzed keywords. Potential customers and online visitors type keywords into search engines. The trick is to anticipate the keyword phrases and put the keywords in the online content. At the least every eCommerce store must know what keywords align with online strategy and what keywords competitors are using. Businesses must know what keyword yields the best search result.

Some online stores favor long-tail keywords. These are longer and specific keyword phrases online visitors use when they approach a point-of-purchase. It also applies to using voice search. Long-tail keywords give more specific results, and this is great for smaller or niche business. The long-tail keyword is usually made up of about 3 words at least,

Research keywords

As indicated earlier, it is important  for online stores to do research on key words as brands target specific phrases. Many companies have different ways in which they engage in keyword research. According to Constant Contact there are multiple ways to do keyword research for eCommerce businesses.  Some include using specialized SEO tools like Google Search Console. Another way is good old fashion competitor research, which the digital world has made easier to an extent. The Autocomplete feature on search engines like Google is also an important indicator of SEO. This feature determines what customers will click and is based on what they have already clicked. Finally, Google’s AI enable related searches tab is also very important in keyword research.

In conclusion, many of these methods are not as easy to do as they sound. This is actually why eCommerce stores stick with specialized SEO tools. Some use automated website builders which come fitted with eCommerce SEO that are effective and efficient. In some industries, it is easier to identify the keywords than others for obvious reasons. The obvious choices fall into the category of short-tail keywords . Obvious search terms like “hot water bottle” tend to be very competitive, making it harder for them to rank. With long-tail keywords there is less competition targeting that same phrase. If you can take over the results for this long-tail key-phrase, then you will have a chance to rank at the top of Google’s search result for that specific search.